National Program

Al-Bassam Private Schools \ National Section (General)

The National Section includes two stages:

–  Intermediate Stage

– Secondary Stages

They follow the hour system that is included in each semester after the approval of the school curricula plans in accordance with the level and percentage of the students.

Students are supported with enrichment curricula in English and Arabic and science subjects, as the Cambridge curriculum has been adopted for the intermediate level. Cambridge Global (English) is a rich course to learn English as a second language from several levels, following the Cambridge International Curriculum Framework for exams. The curriculum promotes opportunities to allocate innovative work, and a higher level of challenge to support excellence.

Each unit at the end of the activity book contains a short quiz, which provides more in-depth evaluation for learners.

The English Department also offers The Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS, which is the official Cambridge Student Guide with answers and DVDs. It is a curriculum designed to improve the educational ability of students. In addition to skills-building exercises and exam strategies, which enable the student to score better scores on the IELTS exams.

 The Department of English Language provides extracurricular activities that encourage students to acquire multiple knowledge, and delve into various sciences outside the scope of the learners’ academic subjects, that enhance the dynamic and effective engagement of learners, the ability to build and organize ideas, and the development of high thinking skills and critical thinking skills in the schools’ competitions like, (Speech Contest) and (Debate Competition)

In addition, special standards for the Arabic language have been adopted to support students and develop their performance. The General Aptitude Test (GAT) is prepared for, where students are trained on its quantitative and verbal parts, starting from the first intermediate grade, besides they are trained on international tests such as: (PISA and TIMSS).

According to the plan of the science department, a group of lessons was allocated to implement the (STEM) program, which is concerned with linking scientific principles in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics into a single output that the student learns during the lessons. The STEM approach is concerned with problem-based learning, and life-related projects with the use of creative methods in research, analysis, investigation, and conclusion, where learning takes place through the practical application of solving problems in their real context, and an integrated approach to learning is followed, not by memorizing facts or concepts. Specific content is taught as an integrated unit of study. It is noticeable that the work tasks in the 21stcentury and in most recent innovations in different disciplines overlap together to reach the final product or solve associated problems; therefore, the application of the (STEM) approach in the classroom requires the cooperation and participation of teachers from different disciplines when planning a lesson or educational unit; To achieve integration according to a clear plan and by specialized trainers.

* Our schools have not neglected the role of counseling due to its importance to address the psychological needs of students in learning, as it offers a set of educational counseling programs that continue during the year.

* The National Department relies on study schedules that included synchronous and asynchronous learning classes, through which students are supported in times of need

International Program

Cambridge International Qualifications prepare school students for life by helping them to advance in science and academic excellence. We are part of (Cambridge Assessment), a department of the prestigious Cambridge University.

The international program is based on international standards for international education and on curricula for student development. It works to develop self-confidence, a sense of responsibility, meditation, innovation, and participation.

The international program starts from the seventh grade, where the students are prepared and provided with all their needs to enter the first steps of the external assessment, which is the (Checkpoint) test in the eighth grade. It is considered the gate through which the student gets to know the testing mechanism, and how to answer them. This comes through training the teachers on the most important answering strategies. Then, preparing students for the tests of (IGCSE) begins at the end of the tenth grade, which is considered the entrance to the secondary stage tests, as the advanced level is later in the eleventh grade and the student will take the Advanced Level (AL) subjects tests.

البرنامج الدولي

تُعِد مؤهلات كامبريدج الدولية  طلبة المدارس للحياة من خلال مساعدتهم على التقدم العلمي، والتميز الأكاديمي، ونحن جزء من (Cambridge Assessment) وهي إدارة تابعة لجامعة كامبريدج العريقة.

يعتمد البرنامج الدولي على معايير عالمية للتعليم الدولي، ومناهج تطور الطلاب، وتعمل على تنمية الثقة بالنفس، والإحساس بالمسؤولية، والتأمل والابتكار والمشاركة.

يبدأ البرنامج الدولي من الصف السابع،حيث يتم تجهيز الطلبة،وإمدادهم بكل احتياجاتهم للدخول لأولى خطوات التقييم الخارجي وهو اختبار (Checkpoint ) في الصف الثامن، والذي يعتبر البوابة التي من خلالها يتعرف الطلبة على آلية الاختبار، وكيفية الإجابة عليه من خلال تدريب المعلمين لههم  على أهم استراتيجيات الحل، وبعدها يبدأ تجهيز الطلبة لاختبارات (IGCSE) وذلك في نهاية الصف العاشر، والذي يعتبر المدخل لاختبارات المرحلة الثانوية، حيث إن المستوى المتقدم لاحقًا في الصف الحادي عشر وسيكون بخضوع الطلبة لاختبار موادAL.