Science Club

Our schools are interested in developing students’ scientific tendencies and qualifying them to participate in national and international scientific competitions, as we have a special section concerned with achieving this objective, (Science Club) so that the necessary training and qualification is provided to develop students’ scientific tendencies, and to qualify the distinguished ones to compete in all kinds of internal and external scientific competitions. For instance, Olympiad Mathematics, physics, chemistry and other competitions issued by the King Abdulaziz Foundation for Giftedness and Creativity (Mawhiba) or other institutions supervising such activities and competitions.

The Science Club targets talented students who have creative tendencies and innovative talents to practice scientific and applied activities in various scientific fields, and they are selected based on standardized tests. This is available to all students who wish and have scientific preferences and a desire to develop them.

The Science Club is keen to prepare the scientifically and skillfully distinguished elites of students of Al-Bassam Schools through specific scientific and applied programs, and to qualify them to present a range of innovations, inventions, scientific research, and educational projects by providing workshops, seminars, courses, and introductory meetings. The main purpose is to connect aspects of theoretical knowledge to practical aspects. We also are greatly interested in nurture the distinguished talents of students in various scientific fields to instill the concept of talent and creativity in students.

Students who have creative and innovative tendencies are selected, and who have the ability to translate scientific ideas into a reality through which accurate results can be reached from all academic levels.

Programs offered by the science club in Al-Bassam Schools:

– Applied scientific programs: experiments, scientific research, and educational projects.

– Giftedness programs: participation in national and international competitions, workshops and scientific symposiums.

The scientific fields in which the science club is keen to implement its programs through:

 Biology  – Computer Science  – Physics

Chemistry – Mathematics – Scientific Innovations

The Science club’s programs are implemented through the following points:

– Developing the annual plan for the club and its activities, and approving it from the campus administration.

– Familiarizing students in the science club about the club’s programs, the mechanism for implementing each program, and giving them the opportunity to choose the appropriate one.

– Dividing the club’s students into groups; Each one according to their scientific tendencies and giving them the opportunity to think deeply.

– Determining the operational steps for each group clearly, developing a plan for the implementation mechanism, and determining the implementation stages.

– Providing technical, material, and moral support to facilitate students’ work.

– Following up on students’ work, supervising them, and making some necessary improvements and modifications.

– Evaluating student results by the supervisor, taking into account the accuracy of implementation.

– Documenting the students’ final results.

Thanks to Allah, our students have fulfilled many scientific achievements and advanced ranks in competitions for talent and scientific innovations at levels, national and national, in addition to many ranks and medals in the field of National Olympiad Mathematics and Science competitions.