School Resources

At Al-Bassam Schools, we believe that teaching and learning are two processes requiring a secure and stimulating environment. Therefore, we provide high standards of physical and moral security for both students and staff.  This is seen through the distinctive designs of school premises and facilities including surveillance cameras, emergency exits, security escorts, accurate visitor entry procedures, crisis management training programs, evacuation plans, and emergency crisis management handbook.

– In Boys Campus, there are three academic stages: primary, intermediate and secondary.

We provide the following facilities:

– Classrooms equipped and prepared for the teaching-learning process.

– Computer labs.

– Science Labs.

– Outdoor and indoor sports venues.

-Science Club.

– Robot Club.

– Training Centre.

– Swimming pool.

– Art education halls.

– Theater equipped with all facilities for conferences and celebrations.

– School canteen.

– Modern libraries.

School Clinic.

– School transportation.

– Integrated media center.